Mid-Season …New Members are ALWAYS Welcome!

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NEW YEAR membership offer

New members can benefit from our special offer to join NOW with membership to fall due for renewal on March 31 2025! Please click on the 'Membership' tab on the homepage to access the application form. Headline rates are £160.00 (single), £235.00 (couple) - and a new rate for Young Adults - aged 21 through 25 - of ... More

New Members – ‘Taster’ Session

We are happy to encourage new members and beginners to join Chislehurst Lawn Tennis Club, and if you are not sure how you might get on in a Club environment, why not come along for a free 'taster' session on a Sunday morning? We have a weekly Social Play session every Sunday from 10.00am to 12 noon, and are happy to invite ... More

New Membership – Pro-Rata Fees.

New members are always welcome at the Club, and while Membership fees are published as on an annual basis, with the full membership year running from April 1st to March 31st, as the months elapse, we will be happy to offer a fee adjusted on a pro-rata basis to allow for the reduced 'year'. Please contact us by email at ... More

Membership Year April 2023 – March 2024

We are pleased to advise that the Club is now able to resume the customary annual membership system, running now from April 2023 to expire on March 31, 2024. For easy reference, current rates are £160.00 (single), £235.00 (couple), £250.00 (family - comprising two adults and two children up to student rate of u-21 ... More

Membership Fees – Pro Rata Discount

Membership Fees at the Club are on a annual basis, and as the months elapse, there is a need to make pro-rata adjustment to the annual amount. The fees now quoted on the Membership tab, and on the downloadable forms, now cover membership from August 2022 through to March 31 2023. More

New Membership ‘Year’

We can advise that a new membership 'year' began effective October 1st, 2021, and will run through to March 31 2023. The usual membership term for this club is a calendar year, commencing April 1 and expiring March 31. As a significant part of the 2020/2021 term was lost due to the national lockdown resulting from the ... More

Membership Year – extended term.

As existing members will know, and for the benefit of new enquiries, the Club Membership Year traditionally runs from April 1 to the following year March 31. Lockdowns imposed by H.H. Government prevented any use of our courts during the Summer of 2020 and for the opening months of 2021, so we extended the membership year ... More

Court Booking System for Members

We are pleased to note that under lockdown restrictions, it is permitted to play tennis, both singles and doubles, the latter subject to Public Health grouping guidelines. In order to avoid any conflict with these guidelines, a court booking system is in place for use by members only, whereby members are sent an invitation ... More

Membership Extension due to Public Health situation

Chislehurst Lawn Tennis Club is able to offer an extended membership period, this through to September 30, 2021, this to compensate for the closure of facilities during the public health emergency in the early part of 2020. An application form including this special offer may be found here: cltcMEMBER2021pt-yr More